I realize I didn’t catalog the games my wife and I played at Geekway to the West 2019 back in May, so here they are with a few thoughts, a couple months removed from playing:

All of these were played at 2, unless otherwise mentioned


As complex as advertised. So complex I missed a rule and made things way easier on myself than they should’ve been. Still, I enjoyed the asymmetrical experience, I think. I won a copy of this through play-and-win.

Spring Meadow

Another winning tile-laying game from Uwe Rosenberg. What’s not to love?

Azul Stained Glass

Very enjoyable, lovely components. I think I liked this more than Azul.


We got this one late, and although I wouldn’t call it “heavy”, exactly, there are a lot of rules to get through. Nice Downton-Abbey-esque theme. Liked it more than I thought I would at the beginning.

Raccoon Tycoon

Not bad, but I couldn’t get into it. Felt like two sort of disconnected mechanics.


Played this several times at 3. Really like this one. Feels like a classic card game.


Played at 3. A fun, light spatial game. I’m not always in the right frame of mind for this sort of combination/spatial arrangement thing to be enjoyable, but it does scratch an itch from time to time.

Welcome to Your Perfect Home

A neat puzzle-type thing, with some press your luck elements. Nice theming. You do write on a pad, which would run out eventually. But you could make copies or use a plastic sheet and dry-erase.

On Tour

Played this twice at 3. Ended up buying it at the convention. Excellent component quality and theming. Quite a lot of luck, but everyone uses the same rolls. No interaction though. Liked it a lot.

Tiny Towns

Another arrangement game. Small and simple, lots of variation. Quite nice.


Took a while to get going, but it gets there eventually. Good for an educational game.


Sort of a simpler, quicker Carcassonne.

Second Chance

Uwe Rosenberg, but you draw the shapes in yourself. Probably wouldn’t be my first pick of his, but not bad. You’re directed to fill in each shape with a different pattern, which doesn’t have anything to do with the game but is therapeutic.

Fire in the Library

Nice theming and art. A bit too much luck for me.

Fine Sand

Pretty simple. Simultaneous turns, which is nice. Not a ton of interaction. I liked it.


This one was great. Lovely mechanics, great art and theming. Simple, but very replayable. Quite enjoyable.


An interesting stacking/pattern-matching game. Maybe a touch simple, but unique (and substantial) components.


Takes some time to get into, but fun once it gets going. Almost engine-building for the sake of engine-building, but in a good way. If you’re playing with people who don’t like it when weird combinations of things work, they won’t like this. I liked this.

War Chest

Played this at 4. Really enjoyed this one. Chess-like, but with some modern mechanics thrown in. Very nice components.

The Grimm Forest

Also played this at 4. Beautiful components and theming. Maybe a little light, but overall enjoyable.

Mystic Vale

Dominion-like, but you build-your-own cards as you play. Great concept. Maybe one too many elements going on, as it’s a little more complex than lets on at first.


The only repeat from last year. Still holds up. Great game.

The full list


  • Root
  • Spring Meadow
  • Azul Stained Glass
  • Obsession


  • Raccoon Tycoon
  • Illimat
  • Overbooked
  • Welcome to Your Perfect Home
  • On Tour
  • Tiny Towns
  • Subatomic
  • Fences
  • Second Chance
  • Fire in the Library


  • Azul Stained Glass
  • Fine Sand
  • Koi
  • Reef
  • Gizmos
  • War Chest
  • The Grimm Forest
  • Illimat
  • Mystic Vale


  • Photosynthesis
  • On Tour