Today’s games:

  • Caper: Europe
  • New York Zoo
  • Savannah Park
  • Curious Cargo
  • Welcome to the Moon (@ 6 players)
  • Furnace

On the eve of spending four days playing boardgames at to the West, I’m watching Only Connect on YouTube and wondering if a pub quiz/trivia night/scholastic bowl type of convention exists, and if not why not.

Some pieces of wood sit on sawhorses. On the wood sits an iPad and Apple Pencil, a neon green Stanley tape measure and a carpenter’s square.

Tools: I’m using my late grandfather’s carpenter’s square, my dad’s tape measure and my iPad in today’s build.

A 3D model of a firewood rack, with wood-textured pieces and dimensions.

Last year’s hastily assembled firewood rack (a few garden stakes laid across some bricks to keep the wood off the ground, basically) finally gave out yesterday evening, so I spent the evening designing a new one in SketchUp. We’ll see how it comes together.