⚾️ The #STLCardinals are playing baseball on my television.
Category: Uncategorized
What an amazing story on a number of levels.
His software sang the words of God. Then it went silent. — Input
🌳🦫 Beaver or something else? Haven’t seen any around but wouldn’t be surprised. Tree was maybe 2-3 inches in diameter.
🪵🪓 Neighbors had a couple trees taken down and said I was welcome to the wood if I wanted to cut and split it, so I’ve been playing Junior Woodsman. This is less than half what’s there. Something pretty satisfying about splitting wood.
This is lovely and extremely relatable.
via Kottke
Today my kid’s teacher sent an email about making a time capsule today on 2-22-22 to be opened on 3-3-33 because that “will be just a few months shy of their high school graduation” and as I was reading it I aged like the Indiana Jones guy who drank from the false grail.
2:22 2/22/22! #twosday
📊 When you’ve been making infographics since middle school.
Novle: just like Wordle, but each guess is the full text of a famous novel.