Continuing to add support for keyboard shortcuts in Omnifocus, I’ve added a new plugin called “Toggle ‘Complete with last action'” to my Github repo. It takes a selection of tasks or projects, and for any that have children (i.e. either projects or task groups) it toggles the checkbox for “Complete with last action”.

I couldn’t find a keyboard shortcut or menu item for this, but if you know of one let me know. This seems like it should be unnecessary.

I’ve been getting back into Omnifocus and wanted a way to toggle project type with a keyboard shortcut. I didn’t find what I was looking for with a cursory search, but I did find a plugin that would set the project type to sequential.

Using that as a starting point, I made one that would cycle through the project types by repeatedly running the script. So I can set the plugin to use something like Hyperkey-W, then create a project and quickly set it to the appropriate type. Neat.

I started a repository for this stuff that will in all likelihood be updated very sporadically if at all.

Hello friends. Some professional news, as they say:

I’ve accepted a job with NPR as Senior News Apps Developer, to start toward the beginning of next month. I greatly admire this team (both past and present members) which I’ve looked up to, asked for help from and shamelessly stolen open source code from since the beginning of my career. I’m excited to be a part of it.

At the same time, I’ll be sad to leave St. Louis Public Radio (where I’ll just miss the ten-year mark). I’ve grown significantly as a data journalist, developer and person in my time there. I deeply appreciate my colleagues (again both past and present) for the opportunities to collaborate on stories, their interest in learning data skills and their willingness to try new things, whether that’s ideas for presenting projects, being open to new tools for improving our workflow or adding a drone to a radio station newsroom’s toolbox.

On my wife’s work trip to Japan this summer, she brought me back this. Seemed like a good enough night to open it. Pretty good stuff.