📷⛰🌲 I was in Southeastern Illinois for a funeral yesterday morning, and realized that Garden of the Gods — which I had somehow never visited — was nearby. So after the funeral I did a little solo contemplation walk. Nice place.
In my pile of sheet music, I found a mediocre counterpoint composition I did in my first music theory course as a college freshman. I also found some schedules and grades, so I can tell you I was failing at it mid-semester but must’ve pulled out a passing grade.
Finally starting to catalogue my collection of sheet music and it might be overly revelatory.
“We are expected to send our kids off into God knows what, to work our jobs and live our lives like nothing’s wrong, and to hold it all together for months and maybe now for years without ever seeing a way out.”
— Dan Sinker in The Atlantic
I’m not into “the pop” as the kids say, but Lorde’s new album is a pretty pleasant listen!
To paraphrase Michael Scott: “It takes a big man to admit when he was wrong, and I am that big man.”
Ah yes, the traditional… checks calendar and clock …August 19, 1:18 a.m. St. Louis fireworks.
Common mistake.
via qz