A local community newspaper letter-to-the-editor says teachers teaching virtually should earn less.
I’ve been at home with a remote-learning Kindergartner all year and no.
Just went for a 2.5 mile walk through the woods and around the lake on campus in between teaching my final two classes of the semester. Silent — no music, no podcasts. It was very necessary.
Things I hear my kid say during remote school: “Well, you’re as old as fifteen elephants stacked on top of the Arch!”

Yep. #stlwx
After hearing @marcoarment advertise for Aftershokz (bone conduction headphones) for so long, I saw the Aeropex on sale at Best Buy and had a gift certificate I needed to use up, so I picked a pair up yesterday. These things are amazing.

Wrote three paper checks today (and only one had to do with taxes). What year is it?
Unless you are actively attending a baseball game, I can’t think of a way you could better spend the next six minutes than watching/listening to this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7oqsWAUbAGo