I didn’t think to look until today (and it wouldn’t have been high enough a priority to train for this year), but what a great marathon course today’s is. North riverfront, and across Chain-of-Rocks Bridge. Take a look.
We’ve been watching the British game show Pointless on YouTube. Kind of a reverse Family Feud — they survey 100 people, then contestants have to give a correct answer that the fewest surveyed people said. Today one was “US states or capitals where the second letter is a vowel.”
I went to Schnucks, drank some Schlafly beer, listened to the Cardinals game and was a very small part of helping cover the local election (not in that order).
Would’ve also liked some Ted Drewes, I guess, but still — it was a very St. Louis night.
Just sat down to do my first serious singing in a year plus — on my own, rehearsing for a friend’s upcoming wedding — and whew. I think I am going to be overwhelmed the first time our group is back together and runs through this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ycAtH_b7PnI
Driving up the Great River Road from Carbondale to St. Louis into the sunset and listening to the #stlcards game on KMOX the whole way — staticky but audible at first and improving through the drive — that’s just good for the soul.

Opening Day.

Spending my Friday night discovering the state stream monitoring volunteer org. and reading up on it (Apparently they give you the training and equipment! You get to take the measurements!). How cool is that.
Drinking my cherry cola out of a glass goblet makes me feel classy.