More birds.
More birds.
Just got a bird feeder. This is now a bird account.
This Is Just To Say
I have eaten
the cookies
that were by
the fireplace
and which
you were probably
for Santa
Forgive me
they were delicious
so sweet
and so soft
It won’t be a white Christmas in St. Louis this year, but it won’t be 70° like last year, either. See what the weather has been like historically leading up to Christmas in this @observablehq notebook. https://observablehq.com/@brentajones/white-christmas
Caught some photos of the conjunction
I just got a phone call asking if I was “the reference library.” And, sometimes it does feel that way.
Maybe I should’ve humored them, just to take on the challenge. (Of course, there’s no way I could out-research a professional reference librarian. Fun idea though.)
My kid in a small group Hangout with classmates: “Guess what number I’m going to say. It starts with a one, then a zero and another zero.”
A minute later: “Ok, the next one will be harder. It’s a one, a zero and a one.”
I enjoyed Netflix’s Christmas musical Jingle Jangle, and so did my kids. Especially dug the set and costume design.
The grocery store had a couple horn players outside playing carols and it just about broke me. First live Christmas music I’ve heard this year, first live music of any kind in a very long time. I miss it so much.
The impeachment of the President occurred a year ago today.
Yes, just the one year. I checked.