I was waiting for a decent excuse to crack open the Special No. 4 I picked up this year, and getting together (virtually) with my singing group for the first time in months seemed like a good one.

I shouldn’t be signing this terrible python code I’m committing to solve Advent of Code, just for plausible deniability purposes later. (But when all your code is about that terrible, I guess it doesn’t matter too much).

Things I find when tearing off the baseboard trim to paint in my old house: a receipt from 2000 for Erin Brockovich — probably a Christmas present — purchased in late December from Suncoast at Crestwood Plaza.

Today’s random thought: I wonder what (acoustic) instruments are easiest and most difficult to mic.

I don’t have any need for this information. I don’t have any experience in this area. This isn’t something I’ve ever done, nor will probably ever need to do. My brain.