I had an eye appointment today where my eyes were dilated. I can’t see up close, but I still wanted to check in on the news, email, slack, etc.

So, right now I’m sitting on my couch and screen-sharing my iPad to my Apple TV across the room. Whatever it takes.

Someone, unexpectedly: Hey, what’s your phone number?

My brain: *short-circuits for 40 seconds*


My brain: The name of the man who voiced Garfield in the cartoons was Lorenzo Music!

Tonight I am at my wife’s high school reunion where I know my wife, one of her friends, and none of the other 40-some people in this very loud, very small room.

On the upside, a double Buffalo Trace was $6, so I’ve got that going for me.

I’m bad at guessing ages, but it occurs to me that since college, my work and hobbies have largely consisted of groups of people primarily either older than me or younger than me (and I think probably by 5+ years, mostly, though again, bad at ages). I wonder how common this is.

One day I will remember to check to see if there’s enough milk for cereal before pouring said cereal into my bowl.

Today was not that day.

Showed my kid OK Go On Treadmills and his only comment was “They’re supposed to be running on those.” Then watched the one where they float around the plane in zero G and toss balls and toys and paint-filled balloons around, and he said “they made that room a mess.” Tough crowd.

Just turned what probably would’ve been a $150+ service call into an $11 part and a couple hours’ worth of learning and work (and a large part of that was spent driving to the store with the part). Blown A/C capacitor. Pretty easy to replace, turns out.