NPR hasn’t used its main Twitter account since it was maliciously labeled “state-affiliated media”. It’s time everybody else joins them. Twitter needs you more than you need it.
NYT crossword for today, April 5, 2023:
Exhausted after a long day and election night, this was at turns lethargic and punchy.
NYT crossword for today, April 4, 2023:
The thing about crosswords is they don’t usually make me feel dumb when I haven’t heard of some obscure word, it’s usually the pop culture stuff, like having seen none of the four very well-known movies in a puzzle.
NYT crossword for today, April 1, 2023:
What a great puzzle for today! If you want to see where the lightbulb went on, it’s at about 24 minutes in. If you want to see where the lightbulb should’ve went on, it’s at about 3 minutes in.
NYT crossword for today, March 31, 2023:
A very difficult puzzle for me today. I got there in the end, but wow that was a battle.