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Best Buy had Lutron Caseta smart switches on clearance today, so I got a starter kit (hub + dimmer w/ remote), another dimmer w/ remote and three switches for about $150. Spent the evening installing them. So far so good.
Powerball numbers being delayed because of a technical glitch on the night of the biggest jackpot in U.S. history and also the day before an election seems like an autogenerated spy thriller plot.
Testing Monocle/Bridgy Fed/a bunch of stuff I don’t understand.
After about 5 minutes of the new Weird Al movie, I thought “There’s no way they can sustain this level for a whole movie,” and then it just keeps heightening until the credits.
The soundtrack to the new Weird Al biopic is out and you’ll be pleased to know the lyrics to “Amish Paradise” are still safely wedged in my brain, 26 years later.