Best Buy had Lutron Caseta smart switches on clearance today, so I got a starter kit (hub + dimmer w/ remote), another dimmer w/ remote and three switches for about $150. Spent the evening installing them. So far so good.

After the election in 2020, I had the 2016 vintage. I liked the tradition so this year I had the 2018. I drank it Wednesday since I didn’t get home from the newsroom until 2:30 a.m.

In 2020 after the election was over, I had a 2016 BCBS. I liked the symbolism. So tonight I’m having this. (Would’ve had it last night but I didn’t get home from the newsroom until like 2:30 a.m.)

Powerball numbers being delayed because of a technical glitch on the night of the biggest jackpot in U.S. history and also the day before an election seems like an autogenerated spy thriller plot.

After about 5 minutes of the new Weird Al movie, I thought “There’s no way they can sustain this level for a whole movie,” and then it just keeps heightening until the credits.